Award Recipient


Advanced Dive Training Grant - Recreational Diving, Sponsored by donations to the WDHOF Scholarship fund

Pasindu Ukwatta, Eshadi Mendis, Bharathi Ukwatta, Tharushi Dissanayakee

Pasindu graduated from Kingswood College, Kandy, and is currently pursuing studies in engineering technology with a keen eye on university entrance. Fueled by an enduring passion for ocean activities, he is a proficient swimmer and is eager to elevate his scuba diving skills. As a proactive team leader, Pasindu is leading a group of four who are dedicated to shaping a future intertwined with underwater technology. Their commitment to ocean conservation is evident through their active involvement in beach cleanups and shallow water restoration projects. Pasindu’s relentless dedication to combating marine pollution underscores his unwavering passion for preserving our oceans.

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